Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A very lucky girl

Nadia's 2nd grade art teacher from her school, found her when she stayed longer last year at Kindergarten, then Miss Cindy found out her talent. Now that she is in the 1st grade, she got to see Miss Cindy a lot.
Miss Cindy thought Nadia is very talented and the time she sees her at school is just not enough to expand her creativity and her talent. She personally invited Nadia to her gorgeous log house to spend 1.5 hours a week to teach her new techniques and explore her talents. She is the only one she ever invited to come to her house and do projects at her house. I am so blessed by her generosity. When she was young she spent 6 months in Bali and Kalimantan (Borneo) then Amsterdam for 3 years to learn art! Her house is filled with arts she made and they are just jaw-droppers.
This is Nadia with Miss Cindy, learning to paint with canvas media.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A girl in sunset

I picked her up from school, Miss Bonnie, her 1st grade teacher told me that Nadia had drawn a very nice picture in the class room. This drawing was made for her best friend, Sage, but Miss Cindy asked if she could have it for her. She gave it for her.
Her daddy kept teasing her about her picture and said : "pumpkin head" and Nadia would say : "No, it's sunset!"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I told her recently that she found a little injured wild bunny when she was playing with her best friend in the park. She was only 2 years old at that time.

Today, she came up with this... her brother wanted to be in the picture

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It was one day that one of the school day, I asked if Nadia could stay longer because I needed to do more review for my exam. When I picked her up, the whole kids in her class were so excited, Nadia showed her drawing, a T-rex and everyone loved it, so the school ended up making a photo copy of her drawing and make it as a coloring page. The 2nd grade art teacher told me that Nadia is so talented and can't wait until Nadia is in her class. She was at Kindergarten at that time.